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Stricter law against child abuse goes into effect 아동학대 특례법 오늘부터 시행
Stricter law against child abuse goes into effect 아동학대 특례법 오늘부터 시행
Stricter law against child abuse comes into effect from Monday 아동학대특례법 오늘 시행
ARIRANG NEWS 20:00 Stricter law against child abuse goes into effect
Raising awareness of child abuse 1,500 miles at a time
80% of child abuse cases in Korea inflicted by parent
Child's abuser out of jail; family pushes for stricter laws
Mom Fights For Stricter Abuse Law, Bill Introduced
Much cooler daytime highs in many areas, mix of rain and clouds 곳곳에 비구름과 서늘한 날
Hong Kong protesters clash with police over democractic freedoms 홍콩 ′센트럴 점령′ 시